Thursday, November 20, 2008

A good time to start.

Hello fellow bloggies! First off, sorry about the corny and typical Andi blog name. It was the first thing that came to mind, and spared me a decision. That is a very, very good thing.
I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, and just haven't been sure if I would ever get time to do it, or if I would get addicted (chances are extremely high, but we'll just have to see on that). I guess this little chunk of time (that I so graciously gave myself a.k.a. procrastination of homework) is my golden opportunity to start my online journal of bragging, whining, and rambling. Fun for you! I'm kidding btw, but don't be surprised if there are a few posts beginning with "Worst Day Ever," ""Aw Shnikes!" or my favorite "Day from Heckidoodles."
The past two days are pretty ideal for summing up my past couple of months. Yesterday seriously was the day from Heckidoodles. We're talking three hour long practice ACT, never ending computer class, MATH, MATH, and more computers. No doubt in my mind that I am in a love and hate relationship with every computer in existance. After my 7-3 day, before pulling into the driveway, I checked our mail. Yeah, so what it's just mail...right? WRONGO. I was in some serious anicipation of a letter from the U of U. On the 8th of November I got to audish for the concurrent ballet program, which is basically getting awes ballet instruction AND college creds. A rather fancy deal I'd say!
Okay sorry, back to the story (oh wait, one more thing, I'm already officially addicted to the bloggies). So I pull open the mail box and a big, fat, letter is perfectly placed on top of the rather small stack of mail with the strangely unfamiliar red and black U's across the envelope (my family is composed of some pretty die hard cougs). I gather the mail and run back into the car with my mommy in the drivers seat. I start to pull open the darn thing (I have big issues when it comes to opening letters) and finally get inside.

Dear Andrea,


That's all I needed to know! Such a nice reward for such a stinky day! This letter was really such a big deal to me. I have been trying to figure out what to do with my dancing ever since I got off the plane from Seattle (the beloved city of my life). I have tried classes, made phone calls, sent emails, and actually recieved some really juicy offers that were poop-on-a-stick to turn down. But, this was finally my answer. I don't really know what is exactly in store for me with all this, but if something finally worked out, it outta be good.
Today I got my report card (which I was totally dreading, but not expecting) and was shocked out of my mind. I had a final grade in at least one of my classes that I knew would kinda wreck my G.P.A. A pleasant surprize found I! No worries at all.
Sorry for this pathetically long post, but there was some good stuff I had to stick in. These past two days have kinda answered some prayers and proved that I am staying on pointe (at least in my book, hopefully in someone elses too). Congrats to me for managing to fit in complaining, bragging, AND whining.